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FINALMENTE GIUSTIZIA: l'architetto dell'omicidio di un agente di polizia viene condannato all'ergastolo

FINALMENTE GIUSTIZIA: l'architetto dell'omicidio di un agente di polizia viene condannato all'ergastolo

- Piran Ditta Khan, aged 75, was handed a life sentence for masterminding the murder of a British police officer during a 2005 heist. He is required to serve at least 40 years. After the crime, Khan escaped to Pakistan but was extradited to the U.K. last year.

During sentencing, Judge Nicholas Hilliard stated that Khan will likely spend the rest of his life in prison given the gravity of his offenses. He noted that Khan had spent many years freely abroad, avoiding capture.

Khan did not directly kill Officer Sharon Beshenivsky but was found guilty as he orchestrated the robbery and provided the weapons used in her murder. The prosecution underscored his central role in this devastating incident in Bradford.

This case has highlighted the risks faced by Britain’s unarmed police force. As justice is served, there is a somber remembrance for Officer Beshenivsky’s family and their profound loss.

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